Steve & Annie Chapman

Down Home Wit & Wisdom

$4.99 USD

Wisdom packed with country flavor, Steve shares 70 terrific quips that reveal essential life truths. From “The bobber won’t bounce if it ain’t in the water” to “Sometimes you have to let your feet do the talkin’ for your heart,” these homespun adages, birthed in the countryside of Tennessee, the hills of West Virginia, and the backwoods near you, provide plenty to chew on, including:

> success seldom includes perfection

> giving is best done with no strings attached

> friends help sow mischief, but reaping is done alone

Short-and-true stories showcase the down-home wisdom and how it applies to daily life. Clever, insightful, and entertaining, these maxims will make you smile…and think a bit.

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For scheduling an event with Steve & Annie call The Mitchell Group at 615-771-6644 or visit