Steve & Annie Chapman

The Tales Hunters Tell/Stories of Adventure and Inspiration

$6.99 USD

With unfettered enthusiasm, avid hunter Steve Chapman shares ten new stories for hunters and reveals helpful insights for honing your hunting knowledge, strengthening your people skills, and applying biblical wisdom to daily life.

As a special feature in this book, also included is the entire original novel titled, "Full Draw." This story is about a bowhunter named Joe Tanner who, while pursuing the elusive whitetail, finds himself being pursued by two fugitives. Escaping with only what he has in his pockets, Joe hopes his hunting skills are enough to outwit the convicts and stop their murderous plans. 

The Tales Hunters Tell is 235 pages filled with unforgettable adventure and life-changing inspiration!

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For scheduling an event with Steve & Annie call The Mitchell Group at 615-771-6644 or visit