Steve & Annie Chapman

The Silver Bridge

$5.99 USD


Silver Bridge

Steve Chapman


  • 1. The Silver Bridge
  • 2. The Brighter Side Of Me
  • 3. Daisy
  • 4. Mama’s Brave Prayer
  • 5. Man In Aisle #2
  • 6. He Called Me Son
  • 7. Thorns In The Nest
  • 8. If You're Leavin'
  • 9. List Of Fools
  • 10. Let Me Take Her Home


We have dismantled our website. This Shopify store is now where our resources are available. Thanks for "shopping" by! S&A 923 Oldham Dr. #38 Nolensville, TN 37135

For scheduling an event with Steve & Annie call The Mitchell Group at 615-771-6644 or visit